', { id: 'TxtStatus', 'class': 'dropError' }),
inputQapTcha: $('
', { name: 'iQapTcha', value: "123456", type: 'hidden' }),
enableAction: function () {
$.qaptcha.Slider.draggable('disable').css('cursor', 'default');
$.qaptcha.Icons.css('background-position', '-16px 0');
if ($.qaptcha.defaults.readOnly !== true) {
$("#btnSubmit").prop("disabled", false);
qaptcha: function (options) {
$.extend($.qaptcha.defaults, options);
if (this.length > 0)
return $(this).each(function (i) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($.qaptcha.defaults.disabledSubmit) {
$('#btnSubmit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if ($.qaptcha.defaults.readOnly !== true) {
$("#Icons").bind("click", function (e) {
$.qaptcha.Slider.css("left", "153px");
revert: function () {
if ($.qaptcha.defaults.autoRevert) {
if (parseInt($.qaptcha.Slider.css("left")) > 150) return false;
else return true;
axis: 'x',
containment: ".QapTcha",
scroll: false,
stop: function (event, ui) {
if (ui.position.left > 150) {
$.qaptcha = new Qaptcha(); // singleton instance
$.qaptcha.version = "1.0.0";
* Base64 encode / decode
* http://www.webtoolkit.info/
var Base64 = {
// private property
_keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
// public method for encoding
encode: function (input) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
input = Base64._utf8_encode(input);
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output +
this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4);
return output;
// public method for decoding
decode: function (input) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
output = Base64._utf8_decode(output);
return output;
// private method for UTF-8 encoding
_utf8_encode: function (string) {
string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
var utftext = "";
for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
else {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
return utftext;
// private method for UTF-8 decoding
_utf8_decode: function (utftext) {
var string = "";
var i = 0;
var c = c1 = c2 = 0;
while (i < utftext.length) {
c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
if (c < 128) {
string += String.fromCharCode(c);
else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
i += 2;
else {
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2);
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
i += 3;
return string;
var clickd_MSG_REQUIRED_FIELD = "This field is required. Please enter a value.";
var clickd_MSG_INVALID_EMAIL_FORMAT = "Please enter a valid email address.";
var clickd_MSG_INVALID_INPUT = "Please enter a valid value.";
var clickd_flag = null;
var clickd_pageType = "";
var clickd_handlersLocation = "";
var clickd_directory = "";
function TextareaMaxLength(selfObj, maxLength) {
var currentChars = clickd_jquery(selfObj).text();
if (currentChars.length > maxLength) {
clickd_jquery(selfObj).text(currentChars.substring(0, maxLength));
function ShowOneRadio(selfObj) {
var field = clickd_jquery(selfObj).attr("id");
field = field.split("_")[1];
var radios = clickd_jquery("#cont_id_f_" + field).find("input[type='radio']:checked");
for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) {
radios[i].checked = false;
selfObj.checked = true;
function FormValid(currentForm) {
var isValid = true;
var reqFieldList = clickd_jquery("input[name='reqField']", currentForm);
for (var i = 0; i < reqFieldList.length; i++) {
isValid = ValidField(clickd_jquery(reqFieldList[i]));
if (isValid == false) {
return isValid;
function ValidField(hidden) {
var fieldType = hidden.attr("alt");
var fieldID = hidden.val();
var fieldRequired = hidden.attr("req");
var fieldForm = hidden.form();
if (typeof fieldRequired == "undefined") {
fieldRequired = "true";
var field = clickd_jquery("#" + fieldID, fieldForm);
var wasSkipped = clickd_jquery("#cont_id_" + fieldID, fieldForm).attr("wasskipped");
if (wasSkipped == "1") {
return true;
//alert("#" + fieldID);
var infoId = "required_info_" + fieldID;
infoId = infoId.replace("f_upload", "f");
var info = clickd_jquery("#" + infoId, fieldForm);
var fieldString = "";
var patternID = hidden.attr("patternID");
var infoText = clickd_jquery(info, fieldForm).text();
if (infoText != "") {
Un_SelectNotValidInput(info, field);
if (fieldType.toLowerCase() == "textarea") {
fieldString = clickd_jquery(field, fieldForm).val();
if (fieldString.length == 1) {
if (fieldString.charCodeAt(0) == 160) {
fieldString = "";
//alert("fieldString = " + fieldString);
} else if (fieldType.toLowerCase() == "multicheckbox") {
var parent = clickd_jquery("#cont_id_" + fieldID, fieldForm);
fieldString = clickd_jquery("input[type='checkbox']:checked", parent).val();
if (typeof fieldString == "undefied" || fieldString == null) {
fieldString = "";
} else if (fieldType.toLowerCase() == "multiradio" || fieldType.toLowerCase() == "radio") {
var parent = clickd_jquery("#cont_id_" + fieldID, fieldForm);
fieldString = clickd_jquery("input[type='radio']:checked", parent).val();
if (typeof fieldString == "undefied" || fieldString == null) {
fieldString = "";
} else if (fieldType.toLowerCase() == "checkbox") {
var parent = clickd_jquery("#cont_id_" + fieldID, fieldForm);
fieldString = clickd_jquery("input[type='checkbox']:checked", parent).prop('checked') ? fieldString = "True" : fieldString = "";
if (typeof fieldString == "undefied" || fieldString == null) {
fieldString = "";
} else {
fieldString = clickd_jquery(field, fieldForm).val();
if (fieldType.toLowerCase() == "email" && fieldString.length > 0) {
//Replace all spaces at the end of the email field value
fieldString = fieldString.replace(/\s+$/gm, '');
clickd_jquery(field, fieldForm).val(fieldString);
if (fieldString.length > 0) {
switch (fieldType) {
case "Rating":
if (isNaN(fieldString) == true) {
clickd_flag = false;
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, clickd_MSG_INVALID_INPUT);
return false;
case "FileUpload":
if (fieldString.length >= 5) {
if (fieldString.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(".exe") == (fieldString.length - 4)) {
clickd_flag = false;
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, "Executable files are not allowed");
return false;
if (fieldString.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(".js") == (fieldString.length - 3)) {
clickd_flag = false;
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, "Java Script files are not allowed");
return false;
// request = clickd_jquery.ajax({
// type: "HEAD",
// url: fieldString,
// success: function () {
// alert("Size is " + request.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"));
// }
//var xxx = clickd_jquery("#f_upload_0337af73e5ae80450e184bb078e83254")[0].files[0].size
//alert("fSize=" + fSize);
// if (clickd_jquery.browser.msie) {
// var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
// var sPath = field[0].value;
// var objFile = objFSO.getFile(sPath);
// var iSize = objFile.size;
// }
// else {
// iSize = (clickd_jquery("#flUpload")[0].files[0].size / 1024);
// }
// alert("iSize=" + iSize);
var trimChar = function (str, charToRemove) {
if (!str) {
return str;
while (str.charAt(0) == charToRemove) {
str = str.substring(1);
while (str.charAt(str.length - 1) == charToRemove) {
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
return str;
//check regex validity
var customRegex = hidden.attr("customRegex");
if (customRegex !== null && customRegex !== "null" && fieldString.length > 0 && ((patternID != "0" && typeof patternID != "undefined") || (customRegex != "" && typeof customRegex != "undefined"))) {
var errorMsg = hidden.attr("errorMsg");
if (customRegex.length > 0) {
try {
clickd_flag = new RegExp(trimChar(customRegex, "/")).test(fieldString);
} catch (e) { }
if (clickd_flag == false) {
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, errorMsg);
return clickd_flag;
} else {
if (fieldType == "EmailComponent") {
fieldType = "Email";
//errorMsg = clickd_MSG_INVALID_EMAIL_FORMAT;
var regex = getPatternByFieldTypeName(fieldType);
if (regex !== "") {
clickd_flag = new RegExp(regex).test(fieldString);
if (clickd_flag == false) {
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, errorMsg);
return clickd_flag;
if (fieldType.toLowerCase() == "email" && fieldString.length > 0) {
var filterFreeEmail = hidden.attr("filterFreeEmail");
if (typeof filterFreeEmail == "undefined") {
filterFreeEmail = "False";
if (filterFreeEmail.toLowerCase() == "true") {
if (new RegExp("(?!@)((gmail.com)|(hotmail.com)|(yahoo.com)|(aol.com))", "i").test(fieldString)) {
clickd_flag = false;
if (clickd_flag == false) {
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, errorMsg);
return clickd_flag;
if (fieldRequired == "true") {
var requredErrorMsg = hidden.attr("requredErrorMsg");
//alert("requredErrorMsg = " + requredErrorMsg);
if (typeof requredErrorMsg == "undefined" || requredErrorMsg == "" || requredErrorMsg == null) {
requredErrorMsg = clickd_MSG_REQUIRED_FIELD;
if (fieldType == "List") {
if (fieldString == -1) {
clickd_flag = false;
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, requredErrorMsg);
return false;
if (fieldType == "MultiCheckBox") {
var options = clickd_jquery("#cont_id_" + fieldID, fieldForm).find("input[type='checkbox']:checked");
if (options.length < 1) {
clickd_flag = false;
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, requredErrorMsg);
return false;
} else if (fieldType == "MultiRadio") {
var options = clickd_jquery("#cont_id_" + fieldID, fieldForm).find("input[type='radio']:checked");
if (options.length != 1) {
clickd_flag = false;
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, requredErrorMsg);
return false;
} else {
if (clickd_jquery.trim(fieldString).length == 0) {
//if (fieldString.trim().length == 0) {
clickd_flag = false;
SelectNotValidInput(info, field, requredErrorMsg);
return false;
return true;
function getPatternByFieldTypeName(fieldType) {
for (var i = 0; i < clickd_patternList.length; i++) {
if (clickd_patternList[i].fieldType.toLowerCase() === fieldType.toLowerCase()) {
return clickd_patternList[i].value;
return "";
function SelectNotValidInput(info, field, message) {
clickd_jquery(info).html(clickd_jquery(info).html() + "
" + message + "
clickd_jquery(field).css("border", "1px solid #ff0000");
clickd_jquery(info).css("height", "auto");
function Un_SelectNotValidInput(info, field) {
clickd_jquery(info).css("height", "6px");
clickd_jquery(field).css("border-top", "1px solid #7c7c7c");
clickd_jquery(field).css("border-left", "1px solid #c3c3c3");
clickd_jquery(field).css("border-right", "1px solid #c3c3c3");
clickd_jquery(field).css("border-bottom", "1px solid #ddd");
var clickd_preview = 0;
function SendForm(selfObj, formID, sendPageType) {
var currentForm = clickd_jquery(selfObj).parents('#' + formID)[0];
var flag = true;
if (sendPageType.toLowerCase() != "survey") {
flag = FormValid(currentForm);
else {
var parent = clickd_jquery(selfObj).parents(".SplitPage:first");
if (parent.length == 0) {
parent = currentForm;
var reqFieldList = clickd_jquery("input[name='reqField']", parent);
for (var i = 0; i < reqFieldList.length; i++) {
flag = ValidField(clickd_jquery(reqFieldList[i]));
if (flag == false) {
if (flag) {
if (clickd_preview == 0) {
//clickd_jquery("#" + formID).attr("action", formAction);
var EmailComponent = clickd_jquery(".EmailComponent", currentForm).val();
if (typeof EmailComponent != "undefined" && EmailComponent != "") {
clickd_jquery("#cd_visitoremail", currentForm).val(EmailComponent);
clickd_jquery(":input[type=text][value!=''][dateFormat!='']", currentForm).each(function (index, dateField) {
var dateFormat = clickd_jquery(dateField).attr("dateFormat");
if (dateFormat === "2" || dateFormat === "5" || dateFormat === "6") {
dateValue = clickd_jquery(dateField).val();
var dateValArr = dateValue.split("/");
clickd_jquery(dateField).val(dateValArr[1] + "/" + dateValArr[0] + "/" + dateValArr[2]);
clickd_jquery("input[disabled=disabled],select[disabled=disabled],textarea[disabled=disabled]", currentForm).each(function (index, field) {
var isReplace = true;
var fieldValue = clickd_jquery(field).val();
var fieldId = clickd_jquery(field).attr("id");
var fieldName = clickd_jquery(field).attr("name");
var fieldType = clickd_jquery(field).attr("type");
if (fieldType == "checkbox") {
isReplace = clickd_jquery(field).prop("checked") ? true : false;
if (isReplace) {
type: 'hidden',
id: fieldId,
name: fieldName,
value: fieldValue
//return true;
else {
return false;
function onClickPrevPage(btn) {
function onClickNextPage(btn) {
var parent = clickd_jquery(btn).parents(".SplitPage:first");
var isValid = true;
var reqFieldList = clickd_jquery("input[name='reqField']", parent);
for (var i = 0; i < reqFieldList.length; i++) {
isValid = ValidField(clickd_jquery(reqFieldList[i]));
if (isValid == false) {
if (isValid) {
function WizardInit() {
var splitPages = clickd_jquery(".SplitPage", "#clickdimensionsForm");
//alert("numSplitPages = " + numSplitPages);
if (splitPages.length > 0) {
clickd_jquery(".WizardPrevButton:first", "#clickdimensionsForm").remove();
clickd_jquery(".WizardNextButton:first", "#clickdimensionsForm").css("clear", "both");
clickd_jquery(".WizardNextButton:first", "#clickdimensionsForm").css("float", "right");
clickd_jquery(".SplitPage:first", "#clickdimensionsForm").show();
clickd_jquery(".WizardPrevButton", "#clickdimensionsForm").bind("click", function () { onClickPrevPage(this); });
clickd_jquery(".WizardNextButton", "#clickdimensionsForm").bind("click", function () { onClickNextPage(this); });
function SurveyWizardInit() {
var splitPages = clickd_jquery(".SplitPage", "#clickdimensionsForm");
if (splitPages.length > 0) {
clickd_jquery(".WizardPrevButton:first", "#clickdimensionsForm").remove();
clickd_jquery(".WizardNextButton:first", "#clickdimensionsForm").css("clear", "both");
clickd_jquery(".WizardNextButton:first", "#clickdimensionsForm").css("float", "right");
clickd_jquery(".SplitPage:first", "#clickdimensionsForm").show();
clickd_jquery(".WizardPrevButton", "#clickdimensionsForm").bind("click", function () { onSurveyClickPrevPage(this); });
clickd_jquery(".WizardNextButton", "#clickdimensionsForm").bind("click", function () { onSurveyClickNextPage(this); });
var splitPageList = clickd_jquery(".SplitPage");
for (var i = 0; i < splitPageList.length; i++) {
initSkipLogicGoToEvents(clickd_jquery(splitPageList[i]), 'Rating');
function onSurveyClickPrevPage(btn) {
var parentSplitPage = clickd_jquery(btn).parents(".SplitPage:first");
var pagePrevPageNumber = clickd_jquery("input[name='pagePrevPageNumber']", parentSplitPage).val();
if (pagePrevPageNumber != "" && pagePrevPageNumber != null) {
clickd_jquery("input[name='pagePrevPageNumber']", parentSplitPage).val("");
//alert("Should to go to page number " + pagePrevPageNumber);
clickd_jquery(".SplitPage:eq(" + pagePrevPageNumber + ")").show();
else {
//alert("regular prev page");
function onSurveyClickNextPage(btn) {
var isValid = true;
var parentSplitPage = clickd_jquery(btn).parents(".SplitPage:first");
var reqFieldList = clickd_jquery("input[name='reqField']", parentSplitPage);
for (var i = 0; i < reqFieldList.length; i++) {
isValid = ValidField(clickd_jquery(reqFieldList[i]));
if (isValid == false) {
if (isValid) {
//var nextPageNumber = clickd_jquery('input[name="nextPageNumber"][value!=0][value!=""]:first', parentSplitPage);
var nextPageNumbers = parentSplitPage.find('input[name="nextPageNumber"]');
var value, nextPageNumber;
for (var i = 0; i < nextPageNumbers.length; i++) {
value = clickd_jquery(nextPageNumbers[i]).prop("value");
if (value != "0" && value != "") {
nextPageNumber = clickd_jquery(nextPageNumbers[i]);
if (typeof nextPageNumber !== "undefined" && nextPageNumber.length > 0) {
var nextQuestionID = clickd_jquery(nextPageNumber).next();
goToPageNumberQuestionID(clickd_jquery(nextPageNumber).val(), clickd_jquery(nextQuestionID).val(), parentSplitPage);
//alert("1 Should go to nextPageNumber=" + clickd_jquery(nextPageNumber).val() + " to question " + clickd_jquery(nextQuestionID).val());
else {
var pageNextPageNumber = 0;
var splitPageList = clickd_jquery(".SplitPage");
var parentSplitPageIndex = splitPageList.index(parentSplitPage);
//var parentSplitPageIndex = clickd_jquery(parentSplitPage).index(".SplitPage", "#clickdimensionsForm");
//alert("parentSplitPageIndex = " + parentSplitPageIndex);
if (parentSplitPageIndex === 0) {
//first page next page number
//pageNextPageNumber = clickd_jquery('input[name="nextPageNumberOnFirstPage"][value!="0"][value!=""]:first');
var nextPageNumbers = clickd_jquery('input[name="nextPageNumberOnFirstPage"]');
var value;
for (var i = 0; i < nextPageNumbers.length; i++) {
value = clickd_jquery(nextPageNumbers[i]).prop("value");
if (value != "0" && value != "") {
pageNextPageNumber = clickd_jquery(nextPageNumbers[i]);
else {
//wizard page number
//pageNextPageNumber = clickd_jquery('input[name="pageNextPageNumber"][value!="0"][value!=""]:first', parentSplitPage);
var nextPageNumbers = parentSplitPage.find('input[name="pageNextPageNumber"]');
var value;
for (var i = 0; i < nextPageNumbers.length; i++) {
value = clickd_jquery(nextPageNumbers[i]).prop("value");
if (value != "0" && value != "") {
pageNextPageNumber = clickd_jquery(nextPageNumbers[i]);
//alert("pageNextPageNumber = " + pageNextPageNumber);
if (typeof pageNextPageNumber !== "undefined" && pageNextPageNumber.length > 0) {
//alert("Should go to pageNextPageNumber=" + clickd_jquery(pageNextPageNumber).val() + " and to show all questions");
goToPageNumberQuestionID(clickd_jquery(pageNextPageNumber).val(), 0, parentSplitPage);
else {
//alert("simple next page");
var nextPage = parentSplitPage.next();
//show all question and titles
clickd_jquery(".QuestionContainer", nextPage).show();
clickd_jquery(".QuestionTitleContainer", nextPage).show();
//remove wasSkipped attribute
clickd_jquery(".QuestionContainer", nextPage).removeAttr("wasSkipped");
function resetSkipedQuestinsValues(questionContainer) {
clickd_jquery("input[type='checkbox']", questionContainer).prop("checked", false);
clickd_jquery("input[name='nextPageNumber']", questionContainer).val("");
clickd_jquery("input[name='nextQuestionID']", questionContainer).val("");
clickd_jquery(".ui-stars-star", questionContainer).removeClass("ui-stars-star-on");
clickd_jquery("input[name='selrate']", questionContainer).val(0);
clickd_jquery("input[type='radio']", questionContainer).prop("checked", false);
clickd_jquery("textarea", questionContainer).text("");
clickd_jquery("select", questionContainer).val("");
clickd_jquery("select", questionContainer).val("0");
clickd_jquery("input[type='text']", questionContainer).val("");
function goToPageNumberQuestionID(pageNumber, questionID, currPage) {
//alert("pageNumber = " + pageNumber + " questionID = " + questionID);
var nextPage = clickd_jquery(".SplitPage:eq(" + pageNumber + ")");
var splitPageList = clickd_jquery(".SplitPage");
var currPageindex = splitPageList.index(currPage);
var nextPageindex = splitPageList.index(nextPage);
//set wasSkipped attribute to all skiped questions
var skiptedPageList = clickd_jquery(".SplitPage:gt(" + currPageindex + "):lt(" + (nextPageindex - 1) + ")"); //(nextPageindex - 1) should not include the last page, BETWEEN needs
var skiptedQuestionList = clickd_jquery(".QuestionContainer", skiptedPageList).attr("wasSkipped", 1);
//reset values
if (questionID != 0 && questionID != "0" && questionID != "" && typeof questionID != "undefined") {
//alert("Should to go to page number " + pageNumber + " question id " + questionID);
var questionContainer = clickd_jquery("#cont_id_f_" + questionID);
var showQuestionRealIndex = questionContainer.attr("questionIndex");
var questionTitleContainer = clickd_jquery("#cont_title_id_f_" + questionID);
var showQuestionTitleRealIndex = questionTitleContainer.attr("questionIndex");
//show all questions and titles
clickd_jquery(".QuestionContainer", nextPage).show();
clickd_jquery(".QuestionTitleContainer", nextPage).show();
//remove wasSkipped attribute
clickd_jquery(".QuestionContainer", nextPage).removeAttr("wasSkipped");
var lastSkipedQuestion = null;
var showQuestion = null;
clickd_jquery(".QuestionContainer[questionIndex]", nextPage).each(function (index, question) {
var questionRealIndex = clickd_jquery(question).attr("questionIndex");
//alert("questionRealIndex=" + questionRealIndex);
if (parseInt(questionRealIndex) < parseInt(showQuestionRealIndex)) {
//set attribute wasSkipped to all skiped questions
clickd_jquery(question).attr("wasSkipped", 1);
//reset values
lastSkipedQuestion = question;
//removed couse of hiding all prev rows
else if (parseInt(questionRealIndex) == parseInt(showQuestionRealIndex)) {
showQuestion = question;
//check if in same row
var lastSkipedQuestionTr = clickd_jquery(lastSkipedQuestion).parents("tr");
var questionContainerTr = clickd_jquery(showQuestion).parents("tr");
var lastSkipedWuestionTrIndex = clickd_jquery(lastSkipedQuestionTr).index("tr", nextPage);
var questionContainerTrIndex = clickd_jquery(questionContainerTr).index("tr", nextPage);
if (lastSkipedWuestionTrIndex !== questionContainerTrIndex) {
//hide parent tr and all previouse tr
else {
//show title
clickd_jquery(".QuestionTitleContainer[questionIndex]", nextPage).each(function (index, questionTitle) {
var questionTitleRealIndex = clickd_jquery(questionTitle).attr("questionIndex");
//alert("questionRealIndex=" + questionRealIndex);
if (parseInt(questionTitleRealIndex) < parseInt(showQuestionTitleRealIndex)) {
//hide title
//reset values
//hide empty tr
// var trList = clickd_jquery("tr", nextPage);
// for (var tr = 0; tr < trList.length; tr++) {
// var tdList = clickd_jquery("td", trList[tr]);
// var emptyColspanCount = 0;
// for (var td = 0; td < tdList.length; td++) {
// var colSpan = clickd_jquery(tdList[td]).attr("colSpan");
// var tdContent = clickd_jquery(tdList[td]).html();
// if (tdContent.length < 10) {
// emptyColspanCount += parseInt(clickd_jquery(tdList[td]).attr("colSpan"));
// }
// }
// alert("emptyColspanCount = " + emptyColspanCount);
// }
else {
//alert("Should to go to page number " + pageNumber + " and show all questions");
//show all questions and titles
clickd_jquery(".QuestionContainer", nextPage).show();
clickd_jquery(".QuestionTitleContainer", nextPage).show();
//remove wasSkipped attribute
clickd_jquery(".QuestionContainer", nextPage).removeAttr("wasSkipped");
clickd_jquery("input[name='pagePrevPageNumber']", nextPage).val(currPageindex);
function setSkipLogicGoToData(nextPageNumber, nextQuestionID, sourceElement) {
var parentStarsDiv = clickd_jquery(sourceElement).parents(".QuestionContainer:first");
clickd_jquery("input[name='nextPageNumber']", parentStarsDiv).val(nextPageNumber);
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minutes = "0" + minutes;
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value = day + '/' + month + '/' + year + " " + hours + ":" + minutes;
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//tbd remove, just for test
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email: visitorEmail,
jsoncallback: '?',
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email: visitorEmail,
jsoncallback: '?',
cd_postsettings: clickd_jquery('#cd_postsettings').val()
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clickd_jquery("#f_" + entry).prop("checked", bValue);
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console.log("error from subscription.srv=" + error);
function f(a) { return function (b) { this[a] = b } } var n, o = this; function q(a, b, c) { a = a.split("."); c = c || o; !(a[0] in c) && c.execScript && c.execScript("var " + a[0]); for (var d; a.length && (d = a.shift());)if (!a.length && b !== undefined) c[d] = b; else c = c[d] ? c[d] : c[d] = {} } function r() { }
function aa(a) {
var b = typeof a; if (b == "object") if (a) { if (a instanceof Array || !(a instanceof Object) && Object.prototype.toString.call(a) == "[object Array]" || typeof a.length == "number" && typeof a.splice != "undefined" && typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable != "undefined" && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) return "array"; if (!(a instanceof Object) && (Object.prototype.toString.call(a) == "[object Function]" || typeof a.call != "undefined" && typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable != "undefined" && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call"))) return "function" } else return "null";
else if (b == "function" && typeof a.call == "undefined") return "object"; return b
} function s(a) { return aa(a) == "array" } function t(a) { var b = aa(a); return b == "array" || b == "object" && typeof a.length == "number" } function v(a) { return typeof a == "string" } function ba(a) { return aa(a) == "function" } function ca(a) { a = aa(a); return a == "object" || a == "array" || a == "function" } function da(a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty && a.hasOwnProperty(w)) return a[w]; a[w] || (a[w] = ++ea); return a[w] }
var w = "closure_uid_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2147483648).toString(36), ea = 0, fa = Date.now || function () { return +new Date }; function x(a, b) { function c() { } c.prototype = b.prototype; a.Ta = b.prototype; a.prototype = new c }; function ga(a) { this.stack = Error().stack || ""; if (a) this.message = String(a) } x(ga, Error); ga.prototype.name = "CustomError"; function ha(a, b) { var c = a.length - b.length; return c >= 0 && a.indexOf(b, c) == c } function ia(a) { for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) { var c = String(arguments[b]).replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"); a = a.replace(/\%s/, c) } return a } var ja = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.!~*'()]*$/; function ka(a) { a = String(a); if (!ja.test(a)) return encodeURIComponent(a); return a }
function la(a, b) { if (b) return a.replace(ma, "&").replace(na, "<").replace(oa, ">").replace(pa, """); else { if (!qa.test(a)) return a; if (a.indexOf("&") != -1) a = a.replace(ma, "&"); if (a.indexOf("<") != -1) a = a.replace(na, "<"); if (a.indexOf(">") != -1) a = a.replace(oa, ">"); if (a.indexOf('"') != -1) a = a.replace(pa, """); return a } } var ma = /&/g, na = //g, pa = /\"/g, qa = /[&<>\"]/;
function z(a, b, c) { a = c !== undefined ? a.toFixed(c) : String(a); c = a.indexOf("."); if (c == -1) c = a.length; return Array(Math.max(0, b - c) + 1).join("0") + a }
function ra(a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = String(a).replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, "").split("."), e = String(b).replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, "").split("."), g = Math.max(d.length, e.length), h = 0; c == 0 && h < g; h++) {
var i = d[h] || "", k = e[h] || "", j = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)", "g"), y = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)", "g"); do { var m = j.exec(i) || ["", "", ""], l = y.exec(k) || ["", "", ""]; if (m[0].length == 0 && l[0].length == 0) break; c = sa(m[1].length == 0 ? 0 : parseInt(m[1], 10), l[1].length == 0 ? 0 : parseInt(l[1], 10)) || sa(m[2].length == 0, l[2].length == 0) || sa(m[2], l[2]) } while (c ==
} return c
} function sa(a, b) { if (a < b) return -1; else if (a > b) return 1; return 0 }; function ta(a, b) { b.unshift(a); ga.call(this, ia.apply(null, b)); b.shift(); this.sb = a } x(ta, ga); ta.prototype.name = "AssertionError"; function ua(a, b, c, d) { var e = "Assertion failed"; if (c) { e += ": " + c; var g = d } else if (a) { e += ": " + a; g = b } throw new ta("" + e, g || []); } function va(a, b) { !a && ua("", null, b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)) } function wa(a, b) { typeof a != "number" && ua("Expected number but got %s.", [a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); return a }; var A = Array.prototype, xa = A.indexOf ? function (a, b, c) { va(a || v(a)); wa(a.length); return A.indexOf.call(a, b, c) } : function (a, b, c) { c = c == null ? 0 : c < 0 ? Math.max(0, a.length + c) : c; if (v(a)) { if (!v(b) || b.length != 1) return -1; return a.indexOf(b, c) } for (c = c; c < a.length; c++)if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c; return -1 }, ya = A.forEach ? function (a, b, c) { va(a || v(a)); wa(a.length); A.forEach.call(a, b, c) } : function (a, b, c) { for (var d = a.length, e = v(a) ? a.split("") : a, g = 0; g < d; g++)g in e && b.call(c, e[g], g, a) };
function za() { return A.concat.apply(A, arguments) } function Aa(a) { if (s(a)) return za(a); else { for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++)b[c] = a[c]; return b } } function Ba(a) { for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) { var c = arguments[b], d; if (s(c) || (d = t(c)) && c.hasOwnProperty("callee")) a.push.apply(a, c); else if (d) for (var e = a.length, g = c.length, h = 0; h < g; h++)a[e + h] = c[h]; else a.push(c) } }; function Ca(a, b, c) { for (var d in a) b.call(c, a[d], d, a) } function Da(a) { var b = [], c = 0; for (var d in a) b[c++] = a[d]; return b } function Ea(a) { var b = [], c = 0; for (var d in a) b[c++] = d; return b } var Fa = ["constructor", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "valueOf"]; function Ga(a) { for (var b, c, d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++) { c = arguments[d]; for (b in c) a[b] = c[b]; for (var e = 0; e < Fa.length; e++) { b = Fa[e]; if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, b)) a[b] = c[b] } } }; var B, Ha, Ia, Ja, Ka, La, Ma; function Na() { return o.navigator ? o.navigator.userAgent : null } Ka = Ja = Ia = Ha = B = false; var C; if (C = Na()) { var Oa = o.navigator; B = C.indexOf("Opera") == 0; Ha = !B && C.indexOf("MSIE") != -1; Ja = (Ia = !B && C.indexOf("WebKit") != -1) && C.indexOf("Mobile") != -1; Ka = !B && !Ia && Oa.product == "Gecko" } var Pa = B, D = Ha, Qa = Ka, Ra = Ia, Sa = Ja, Ta, Ua = o.navigator; Ta = Ua && Ua.platform || ""; La = Ta.indexOf("Mac") != -1; Ma = Ta.indexOf("Win") != -1; var Va = Ta.indexOf("Linux") != -1, Wa, Xa = "", E;
if (Pa && o.opera) { var Ya = o.opera.version; Xa = typeof Ya == "function" ? Ya() : Ya } else { if (Qa) E = /rv\:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/; else if (D) E = /MSIE\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/; else if (Ra) E = /WebKit\/(\S+)/; if (E) { var Za = E.exec(Na()); Xa = Za ? Za[1] : "" } } Wa = Xa; var ab = {}; function bb(a, b) { Ca(b, function (c, d) { if (d == "style") a.style.cssText = c; else if (d == "class") a.className = c; else if (d == "for") a.htmlFor = c; else if (d in cb) a.setAttribute(cb[d], c); else a[d] = c }) } var cb = { cellpadding: "cellPadding", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", colspan: "colSpan", rowspan: "rowSpan", valign: "vAlign", height: "height", width: "width", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", type: "type" }; function db() { return eb(document, arguments) }
function eb(a, b) { var c = b[0], d = b[1]; if (D && d && (d.name || d.type)) { c = ["<", c]; d.name && c.push(' name="', la(d.name), '"'); if (d.type) { c.push(' type="', la(d.type), '"'); var e = {}; Ga(e, d); d = e; delete d.type } c.push(">"); c = c.join("") } var g = a.createElement(c); if (d) if (v(d)) g.className = d; else bb(g, d); if (b.length > 2) { d = function (h) { if (h) g.appendChild(v(h) ? a.createTextNode(h) : h) }; for (c = 2; c < b.length; c++) { e = b[c]; t(e) && !(ca(e) && e.nodeType > 0) ? ya(fb(e) ? Aa(e) : e, d) : d(e) } } return g }
function fb(a) { if (a && typeof a.length == "number") if (ca(a)) return typeof a.item == "function" || typeof a.item == "string"; else if (ba(a)) return typeof a.item == "function"; return false }; var gb, hb, ib, jb, kb, lb, mb; mb = lb = kb = jb = ib = hb = gb = false; var F = Na(); if (F) if (F.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) gb = true; else if (F.indexOf("Camino") != -1) hb = true; else if (F.indexOf("iPhone") != -1 || F.indexOf("iPod") != -1) ib = true; else if (F.indexOf("iPad") != -1) jb = true; else if (F.indexOf("Android") != -1) kb = true; else if (F.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) lb = true; else if (F.indexOf("Safari") != -1) mb = true; var nb = gb, ob = hb, pb = ib, qb = jb, rb = kb, sb = lb, tb = mb; var ub, vb;
(function () {
function a(i) { i = i.match(/[\d]+/g); i.length = 3; return i.join(".") } var b = false, c = ""; if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length) { var d = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]; if (d) { b = true; if (d.description) c = a(d.description) } if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"]) { b = true; c = "" } } else if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length) { if (b = (d = navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]) && d.enabledPlugin) c = a(d.enabledPlugin.description) } else try {
d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"); b =
true; c = a(d.GetVariable("$version"))
} catch (e) { try { d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"); b = true; c = "6.0.21" } catch (g) { try { d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); b = true; c = a(d.GetVariable("$version")) } catch (h) { } } } ub = b; vb = c
})(); var wb; (function () { var a = ""; if (D) { var b = function (c) { try { new ActiveXObject(c); return true } catch (d) { return false } }; if (b("AcroPDF.PDF.1")) a = "7"; else if (b("PDF.PdfCtrl.6")) a = "6" } else if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length > 0) if ((b = navigator.mimeTypes["application/pdf"]) && b.enabledPlugin) if ((b = b.enabledPlugin.description) && b.indexOf("Adobe") != -1) a = b.indexOf("Version") != -1 ? b.split("Version")[1] : "7"; wb = !!a; Ma && ra(a, "6") })(); var xb, yb = {
aa: "afar", ab: "\u0430\u0431\u0445\u0430\u0437\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", ace: "Aceh", ach: "Acoli", ada: "Adangme", ady: "\u0430\u0434\u044b\u0433\u0435\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", ae: "Avestan", af: "Afrikaans", afa: "Afro-Asiatic Language", afh: "Afrihili", ain: "Ainu", ak: "Akan", akk: "Akkadian", ale: "Aleut", alg: "Algonquian Language", alt: "Southern Altai", am: "\u12a0\u121b\u122d\u129b", an: "Aragonese", ang: "Old English", anp: "Angika", apa: "Apache Language", ar: "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629", arc: "Aramaic",
arn: "Araucanian", arp: "Arapaho", art: "Artificial Language", arw: "Arawak", as: "\u0985\u09b8\u09ae\u09c0\u09af\u09bc\u09be", ast: "asturiano", ath: "Athapascan Language", aus: "Australian Language", av: "\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", awa: "Awadhi", ay: "aimara", az: "az\u0259rbaycanca", az_Arab: "\u062a\u0631\u06a9\u06cc \u0622\u0630\u0631\u0628\u0627\u06cc\u062c\u0627\u0646\u06cc", az_Cyrl: "\u0410\u0437\u04d9\u0440\u0431\u0430\u0458\u04b9\u0430\u043d", az_Latn: "Azerice", ba: "\u0431\u0430\u0448\u043a\u0438\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439",
bad: "Banda", bai: "Bamileke Language", bal: "\u0628\u0644\u0648\u0686\u06cc", ban: "Balin", bas: "Basa", bat: "Baltic Language", be: "\u0431\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", bej: "Beja", bem: "Bemba", ber: "Berber", bg: "\u0431\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438", bh: "\u092c\u093f\u0939\u093e\u0930\u0940", bho: "Bhojpuri", bi: "bichelamar ; bislama", bik: "Bikol", bin: "Bini", bla: "Siksika", bm: "bambara", bn: "\u09ac\u09be\u0982\u09b2\u09be", bnt: "Bantu", bo: "\u0f54\u0f7c\u0f51\u0f0b\u0f66\u0f90\u0f51\u0f0b",
br: "breton", bra: "Braj", bs: "Bosanski", btk: "Batak", bua: "Buriat", bug: "Bugis", byn: "\u1265\u120a\u1295", ca: "catal\u00e0", cad: "Caddo", cai: "Central American Indian Language", car: "Carib", cau: "Caucasian Language", cch: "Atsam", ce: "\u0447\u0435\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", ceb: "Cebuano", cel: "Celtic Language", ch: "Chamorro", chb: "Chibcha", chg: "Chagatai", chk: "Chuukese", chm: "\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 (\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439)", chn: "Chinook Jargon",
cho: "Choctaw", chp: "Chipewyan", chr: "Cherokee", chy: "Cheyenne", cmc: "Chamic Language", co: "corse", cop: "\u0642\u0628\u0637\u064a\u0629", cop_Arab: "\u0642\u0628\u0637\u064a\u0629", cpe: "English-based Creole or Pidgin", cpf: "French-based Creole or Pidgin", cpp: "Portuguese-based Creole or Pidgin", cr: "Cree", crh: "Crimean Turkish", crp: "Creole or Pidgin", cs: "\u010de\u0161tina", csb: "Kashubian", cu: "Church Slavic", cus: "Cushitic Language", cv: "\u0447\u0443\u0432\u0430\u0448\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", cy: "Cymraeg", da: "dansk",
dak: "Dakota", dar: "\u0434\u0430\u0440\u0433\u0432\u0430", day: "Dayak", de: "Deutsch", del: "Delaware", den: "Slave", dgr: "Dogrib", din: "Dinka", doi: "\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u062c\u0631\u0649", dra: "Dravidian Language", dsb: "Lower Sorbian", dua: "Duala", dum: "Middle Dutch", dv: "Divehi", dyu: "dioula", dz: "\u0f62\u0fab\u0f7c\u0f44\u0f0b\u0f41", ee: "Ewe", efi: "Efik", egy: "Ancient Egyptian", eka: "Ekajuk", el: "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac", elx: "Elamite", en: "English", enm: "Middle English", eo: "esperanto", es: "espa\u00f1ol",
et: "eesti", eu: "euskara", ewo: "Ewondo", fa: "\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc", fan: "fang", fat: "Fanti", ff: "Fulah", fi: "suomi", fil: "Filipino", fiu: "Finno-Ugrian Language", fj: "Fijian", fo: "f\u00f8royskt", fon: "Fon", fr: "fran\u00e7ais", frm: "Middle French", fro: "Old French", frr: "Northern Frisian", frs: "Eastern Frisian", fur: "friulano", fy: "Fries", ga: "Gaeilge", gaa: "Ga", gay: "Gayo", gba: "Gbaya", gd: "Scottish Gaelic", gem: "Germanic Language", gez: "\u130d\u12d5\u12dd\u129b", gil: "Gilbertese", gl: "galego", gmh: "Middle High German",
gn: "guaran\u00ed", goh: "Old High German", gon: "Gondi", gor: "Gorontalo", got: "Gothic", grb: "Grebo", grc: "\u0391\u03c1\u03c7\u03b1\u03af\u03b1 \u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac", gsw: "Schweizerdeutsch", gu: "\u0a97\u0ac1\u0a9c\u0ab0\u0abe\u0aa4\u0ac0", gv: "Gaelg", gwi: "Gwich\u02bcin", ha: "\u0627\u0644\u0647\u0648\u0633\u0627", ha_Arab: "\u0627\u0644\u0647\u0648\u0633\u0627", ha_Latn: "haoussa", hai: "Haida", haw: "\u02bb\u014dlelo Hawai\u02bbi", he: "\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea", hi: "\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940",
hil: "Hiligaynon", him: "Himachali", hit: "Hittite", hmn: "Hmong", ho: "Hiri Motu", hr: "hrvatski", hsb: "Upper Sorbian", ht: "ha\u00eftien", hu: "magyar", hup: "Hupa", hy: "\u0540\u0561\u0575\u0565\u0580\u0567\u0576", hz: "Herero", ia: "interlingvao", iba: "Iban", id: "Bahasa Indonesia", ie: "Interlingue", ig: "Igbo", ii: "\ua188\ua320\ua259", ijo: "Ijo", ik: "Inupiaq", ilo: "Iloko", inc: "Indic Language", ine: "Indo-European Language", inh: "\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0443\u0448\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", io: "Ido", ira: "Iranian Language", iro: "Iroquoian Language",
is: "\u00edslenska", it: "italiano", iu: "Inuktitut", ja: "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e", jbo: "Lojban", jpr: "Judeo-Persian", jrb: "Judeo-Arabic", jv: "Jawa", ka: "\u10e5\u10d0\u10e0\u10d7\u10e3\u10da\u10d8", kaa: "\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043a\u0430\u043b\u043f\u0430\u043a\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", kab: "kabyle", kac: "Kachin", kaj: "Jju", kam: "Kamba", kar: "Karen", kaw: "Kawi", kbd: "\u043a\u0430\u0431\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", kcg: "Tyap", kfo: "koro", kg: "Kongo", kha: "Khasi", khi: "Khoisan Language", kho: "Khotanese",
ki: "Kikuyu", kj: "Kuanyama", kk: "\u049a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u049b", kl: "kalaallisut", km: "\u1797\u17b6\u179f\u17b6\u1781\u17d2\u1798\u17c2\u179a", kmb: "quimbundo", kn: "\u0c95\u0ca8\u0ccd\u0ca8\u0ca1", ko: "\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4", kok: "\u0915\u094b\u0902\u0915\u0923\u0940", kos: "Kosraean", kpe: "kpell\u00e9", kr: "Kanuri", krc: "\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0432\u043e-\u0431\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", krl: "\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", kro: "Kru",
kru: "Kurukh", ks: "\u0915\u093e\u0936\u094d\u092e\u093f\u0930\u0940", ku: "K\u00fcrt\u00e7e", ku_Arab: "\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0631\u062f\u064a\u0629", ku_Latn: "K\u00fcrt\u00e7e", kum: "\u043a\u0443\u043c\u044b\u043a\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", kut: "Kutenai", kv: "Komi", kw: "kernewek", ky: "K\u0131rg\u0131zca", ky_Arab: "\u0627\u0644\u0642\u064a\u0631\u063a\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0646\u064a\u0629", ky_Cyrl: "\u043a\u0438\u0440\u0433\u0438\u0437\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", la: "latino", lad: "\u05dc\u05d3\u05d9\u05e0\u05d5", lah: "\u0644\u0627\u0647\u0646\u062f\u0627",
lam: "Lamba", lb: "luxembourgeois", lez: "\u043b\u0435\u0437\u0433\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", lg: "Ganda", li: "Limburgs", ln: "lingala", lo: "Lao", lol: "mongo", loz: "Lozi", lt: "lietuvi\u0173", lu: "luba-katanga", lua: "luba-lulua", lui: "Luiseno", lun: "Lunda", luo: "Luo", lus: "Lushai", lv: "latvie\u0161u", mad: "Madura", mag: "Magahi", mai: "Maithili", mak: "Makassar", man: "Mandingo", map: "Austronesian", mas: "Masai", mdf: "\u043c\u043e\u043a\u0448\u0430", mdr: "Mandar", men: "Mende", mg: "malgache", mga: "Middle Irish", mh: "Marshallese",
mi: "Maori", mic: "Micmac", min: "Minangkabau", mis: "Miscellaneous Language", mk: "\u043c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438", mkh: "Mon-Khmer Language", ml: "\u0d2e\u0d32\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d33\u0d02", mn: "\u043c\u043e\u043d\u0433\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", mn_Cyrl: "\u043c\u043e\u043d\u0433\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", mn_Mong: "\u043c\u043e\u043d\u0433\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", mnc: "Manchu", mni: "Manipuri", mno: "Manobo Language", mo: "Moldavian", moh: "Mohawk",
mos: "mor\u00e9 ; mossi", mr: "\u092e\u0930\u093e\u0920\u0940", ms: "Bahasa Melayu", mt: "Malti", mul: "Multiple Languages", mun: "Munda Language", mus: "Creek", mwl: "Mirandese", mwr: "Marwari", my: "Burmese", myn: "Mayan Language", myv: "\u044d\u0440\u0437\u044f", na: "Nauru", nah: "Nahuatl", nai: "North American Indian Language", nap: "napoletano", nb: "norsk bokm\u00e5l", nd: "North Ndebele", nds: "Low German", ne: "\u0928\u0947\u092a\u093e\u0932\u0940", "new": "Newari", ng: "Ndonga", nia: "Nias", nic: "Niger-Kordofanian Language", niu: "Niuean",
nl: "Nederlands", nn: "nynorsk", no: "Norwegian", nog: "\u043d\u043e\u0433\u0430\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", non: "Old Norse", nqo: "N\u2019Ko", nr: "South Ndebele", nso: "Northern Sotho", nub: "Nubian Language", nv: "Navajo", nwc: "Classical Newari", ny: "nianja; chicheua; cheua", nym: "Nyamwezi", nyn: "Nyankole", nyo: "Nyoro", nzi: "Nzima", oc: "occitan", oj: "Ojibwa", om: "Oromoo", or: "\u0b13\u0b21\u0b3c\u0b3f\u0b06", os: "\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", osa: "Osage", ota: "Ottoman Turkish", oto: "Otomian Language",
pa: "\u0a2a\u0a70\u0a1c\u0a3e\u0a2c\u0a40", pa_Arab: "\u067e\u0646\u062c\u0627\u0628", pa_Guru: "\u0a2a\u0a70\u0a1c\u0a3e\u0a2c\u0a40", paa: "Papuan Language", pag: "Pangasinan", pal: "Pahlavi", pam: "Pampanga", pap: "Papiamento", pau: "Palauan", peo: "Old Persian", phi: "Philippine Language", phn: "Phoenician", pi: "\u0e1a\u0e32\u0e25\u0e35", pl: "polski", pon: "Pohnpeian", pra: "Prakrit Language", pro: "Old Proven\u00e7al", ps: "\u067e\u069a\u062a\u0648", pt: "portugu\u00eas", qu: "quechua", raj: "Rajasthani", rap: "Rapanui", rar: "Rarotongan",
rm: "R\u00e4toromanisch", rn: "roundi", ro: "rom\u00e2n\u0103", roa: "Romance Language", rom: "Romany", ru: "\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", rup: "Aromanian", rw: "rwanda", sa: "\u0938\u0902\u0938\u094d\u0915\u0943\u0924 \u092d\u093e\u0937\u093e", sad: "Sandawe", sah: "\u044f\u043a\u0443\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", sai: "South American Indian Language", sal: "Salishan Language", sam: "\u05d0\u05e8\u05de\u05d9\u05ea \u05e9\u05d5\u05de\u05e8\u05d5\u05e0\u05d9\u05ea", sas: "Sasak", sat: "Santali", sc: "Sardinian", scn: "siciliano",
sco: "Scots", sd: "\u0938\u093f\u0928\u094d\u0927\u0940", sd_Arab: "\u0633\u0646\u062f\u06cc", sd_Deva: "\u0938\u093f\u0928\u094d\u0927\u0940", se: "nordsamiska", sel: "\u0441\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043a\u0443\u043f\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", sem: "Semitic Language", sg: "sangho", sga: "Old Irish", sgn: "Sign Language", sh: "Serbo-Croatian", shn: "Shan", si: "Sinhalese", sid: "Sidamo", sio: "Siouan Language", sit: "Sino-Tibetan Language", sk: "slovensk\u00fd", sl: "sloven\u0161\u010dina", sla: "Slavic Language", sm: "Samoan", sma: "sydsamiska",
smi: "Sami Language", smj: "lulesamiska", smn: "Inari Sami", sms: "Skolt Sami", sn: "Shona", snk: "sonink\u00e9", so: "Soomaali", sog: "Sogdien", son: "Songhai", sq: "shqipe", sr: "\u0421\u0440\u043f\u0441\u043a\u0438", sr_Cyrl: "\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0431\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", sr_Latn: "Srpski", srn: "Sranantongo", srr: "s\u00e9r\u00e8re", ss: "Swati", ssa: "Nilo-Saharan Language", st: "Sesotho", su: "Sundan", suk: "Sukuma", sus: "soussou", sux: "Sumerian", sv: "svenska", sw: "Kiswahili", syc: "Classical Syriac", syr: "Syriac", ta: "\u0ba4\u0bae\u0bbf\u0bb4\u0bcd",
tai: "Tai Language", te: "\u0c24\u0c46\u0c32\u0c41\u0c17\u0c41", tem: "Timne", ter: "Tereno", tet: "t\u00e9tum", tg: "\u062a\u0627\u062c\u06a9", tg_Arab: "\u062a\u0627\u062c\u06a9", tg_Cyrl: "\u0442\u0430\u0434\u0436\u0438\u043a\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", th: "\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22", ti: "\u1275\u130d\u122d\u129b", tig: "\u1275\u130d\u1228", tiv: "Tiv", tk: "\u062a\u0631\u06a9\u0645\u0646\u06cc", tkl: "Tokelau", tl: "Tagalog", tlh: "Klingon", tli: "Tlingit", tmh: "tamacheq", tn: "Tswana", to: "Tonga", tog: "Nyasa Tonga", tpi: "Tok Pisin", tr: "T\u00fcrk\u00e7e",
ts: "Tsonga", tsi: "Tsimshian", tt: "\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", tum: "Tumbuka", tup: "Tupi Language", tut: "\u0430\u043b\u0442\u0430\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 (\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0438\u0435)", tvl: "Tuvalu", tw: "Twi", ty: "tahitien", tyv: "\u0442\u0443\u0432\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", udm: "\u0443\u0434\u043c\u0443\u0440\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", ug: "\u0443\u0439\u0433\u0443\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", uga: "Ugaritic", uk: "\u0443\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0441\u044c\u043a\u0430",
umb: "umbundu", und: "English", ur: "\u0627\u0631\u062f\u0648", uz: "\u040e\u0437\u0431\u0435\u043a", uz_Arab: "\u0627\u06c9\u0632\u0628\u06d0\u06a9", uz_Cyrl: "\u0443\u0437\u0431\u0435\u043a\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", uz_Latn: "o'zbekcha", vai: "Vai", ve: "Venda", vi: "Ti\u1ebfng Vi\u1ec7t", vo: "volapuko", vot: "Votic", wa: "Wallonisch", wak: "Wakashan Language", wal: "Walamo", war: "Waray", was: "Washo", wen: "Sorbian Language", wo: "wolof", wo_Arab: "\u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0648\u0641", wo_Latn: "wolof", xal: "\u043a\u0430\u043b\u043c\u044b\u0446\u043a\u0438\u0439",
xh: "Xhosa", yao: "iao", yap: "Yapese", yi: "\u05d9\u05d9\u05d3\u05d9\u05e9", yo: "Yoruba", ypk: "Yupik Language", za: "Zhuang", zap: "Zapotec", zen: "Zenaga", zh: "\u4e2d\u6587", zh_Hans: "\u4e2d\u6587", zh_Hant: "\u4e2d\u6587", znd: "Zande", zu: "Zulu", zun: "Zuni", zxx: "No linguistic content", zza: "Zaza"
}; function zb(a) { if (typeof a.u == "function") return a.u(); if (v(a)) return a.split(""); if (t(a)) { for (var b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++)b.push(a[d]); return b } return Da(a) } function Ab(a, b, c) { if (typeof a.forEach == "function") a.forEach(b, c); else if (t(a) || v(a)) ya(a, b, c); else { var d; if (typeof a.A == "function") d = a.A(); else if (typeof a.u != "function") if (t(a) || v(a)) { d = []; for (var e = a.length, g = 0; g < e; g++)d.push(g); d = d } else d = Ea(a); else d = void 0; e = zb(a); g = e.length; for (var h = 0; h < g; h++)b.call(c, e[h], d && d[h], a) } }; function Bb(a) { this.m = {}; this.d = []; var b = arguments.length; if (b > 1) { if (b % 2) throw Error("Uneven number of arguments"); for (var c = 0; c < b; c += 2)this.set(arguments[c], arguments[c + 1]) } else if (a) { if (a instanceof Bb) { b = a.A(); c = a.u() } else { b = Ea(a); c = Da(a) } for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++)this.set(b[d], c[d]) } } n = Bb.prototype; n.c = 0; n.Va = 0; n.u = function () { Cb(this); for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.d.length; b++)a.push(this.m[this.d[b]]); return a }; n.A = function () { Cb(this); return this.d.concat() }; n.p = function (a) { return G(this.m, a) };
n.remove = function (a) { if (G(this.m, a)) { delete this.m[a]; this.c--; this.Va++; this.d.length > 2 * this.c && Cb(this); return true } return false }; function Cb(a) { if (a.c != a.d.length) { for (var b = 0, c = 0; b < a.d.length;) { var d = a.d[b]; if (G(a.m, d)) a.d[c++] = d; b++ } a.d.length = c } if (a.c != a.d.length) { var e = {}; for (c = b = 0; b < a.d.length;) { d = a.d[b]; if (!G(e, d)) { a.d[c++] = d; e[d] = 1 } b++ } a.d.length = c } } n.get = function (a, b) { if (G(this.m, a)) return this.m[a]; return b };
n.set = function (a, b) { if (!G(this.m, a)) { this.c++; this.d.push(a); this.Va++ } this.m[a] = b }; n.clone = function () { return new Bb(this) }; function G(a, b) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b) }; var Db = RegExp("^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?://(?:([^/?#]*)@)?([\\w\\d\\-\\u0100-\\uffff.%]*)(?::([0-9]+))?)?([^?#]+)?(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$"); function H(a, b) { var c; if (a instanceof H) { this.H(b == null ? a.g : b); Eb(this, a.o); Fb(this, a.L); this.G(a.z); Gb(this, a.B); Hb(this, a.K); Ib(this, a.e.clone()); Jb(this, a.J) } else if (a && (c = String(a).match(Db))) { this.H(!!b); Eb(this, c[1] || "", true); Fb(this, c[2] || "", true); this.G(c[3] || "", true); Gb(this, c[4]); Hb(this, c[5] || "", true); this.Da(c[6] || "", true); Jb(this, c[7] || "", true) } else { this.H(!!b); this.e = new I(null, this, this.g) } } n = H.prototype; n.o = ""; n.L = ""; n.z = ""; n.B = null; n.K = ""; n.J = ""; n.bb = false; n.g = false;
n.toString = function () { if (this.f) return this.f; var a = []; this.o && a.push(J(this.o, Kb), ":"); if (this.z) { a.push("//"); this.L && a.push(J(this.L, Kb), "@"); var b; b = this.z; b = v(b) ? encodeURIComponent(b) : null; a.push(b); this.B != null && a.push(":", String(this.B)) } this.K && a.push(J(this.K, Lb)); (b = String(this.e)) && a.push("?", b); this.J && a.push("#", J(this.J, Mb)); return this.f = a.join("") };
n.clone = function () { var a = this.o, b = this.L, c = this.z, d = this.B, e = this.K, g = this.e.clone(), h = this.J, i = new H(null, this.g); a && Eb(i, a); b && Fb(i, b); c && i.G(c); d && Gb(i, d); e && Hb(i, e); g && Ib(i, g); h && Jb(i, h); return i }; function Eb(a, b, c) { K(a); delete a.f; a.o = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; if (a.o) a.o = a.o.replace(/:$/, ""); return a } function Fb(a, b, c) { K(a); delete a.f; a.L = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; return a } n.G = function (a, b) { K(this); delete this.f; this.z = b ? a ? decodeURIComponent(a) : "" : a; return this };
function Gb(a, b) { K(a); delete a.f; if (b) { b = Number(b); if (isNaN(b) || b < 0) throw Error("Bad port number " + b); a.B = b } else a.B = null; return a } function Hb(a, b, c) { K(a); delete a.f; a.K = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; return a } function Ib(a, b, c) { K(a); delete a.f; if (b instanceof I) { a.e = b; a.e.Fa = a; a.e.H(a.g) } else { c || (b = J(b, Nb)); a.e = new I(b, a, a.g) } return a } n.Da = function (a, b) { return Ib(this, a, b) }; function Ob(a, b, c) { K(a); delete a.f; a.e.set(b, c); return a }
function Jb(a, b, c) { K(a); delete a.f; a.J = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; return a } function K(a) { if (a.bb) throw Error("Tried to modify a read-only Uri"); } n.H = function (a) { this.g = a; this.e && this.e.H(a) }; var Pb = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.!~*'():\/;?]*$/; function J(a, b) { var c = null; if (v(a)) { c = a; Pb.test(c) || (c = encodeURI(a)); if (c.search(b) >= 0) c = c.replace(b, Qb) } return c } function Qb(a) { a = a.charCodeAt(0); return "%" + (a >> 4 & 15).toString(16) + (a & 15).toString(16) } var Kb = /[#\/\?@]/g, Lb = /[\#\?]/g, Nb = /[\#\?@]/g, Mb = /#/g;
function I(a, b, c) { this.k = a || null; this.Fa = b || null; this.g = !!c } function L(a) { if (!a.b) { a.b = new Bb; if (a.k) for (var b = a.k.split("&"), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var d = b[c].indexOf("="), e = null, g = null; if (d >= 0) { e = b[c].substring(0, d); g = b[c].substring(d + 1) } else e = b[c]; e = decodeURIComponent(e.replace(/\+/g, " ")); e = M(a, e); a.add(e, g ? decodeURIComponent(g.replace(/\+/g, " ")) : "") } } } n = I.prototype; n.b = null; n.c = null;
n.add = function (a, b) { L(this); Rb(this); a = M(this, a); if (this.p(a)) { var c = this.b.get(a); s(c) ? c.push(b) : this.b.set(a, [c, b]) } else this.b.set(a, b); this.c++; return this }; n.remove = function (a) { L(this); a = M(this, a); if (this.b.p(a)) { Rb(this); var b = this.b.get(a); if (s(b)) this.c -= b.length; else this.c--; return this.b.remove(a) } return false }; n.p = function (a) { L(this); a = M(this, a); return this.b.p(a) };
n.A = function () { L(this); for (var a = this.b.u(), b = this.b.A(), c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { var e = a[d]; if (s(e)) for (var g = 0; g < e.length; g++)c.push(b[d]); else c.push(b[d]) } return c }; n.u = function (a) { L(this); if (a) { a = M(this, a); if (this.p(a)) { var b = this.b.get(a); if (s(b)) return b; else { a = []; a.push(b) } } else a = [] } else { b = this.b.u(); a = []; for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var d = b[c]; s(d) ? Ba(a, d) : a.push(d) } } return a };
n.set = function (a, b) { L(this); Rb(this); a = M(this, a); if (this.p(a)) { var c = this.b.get(a); if (s(c)) this.c -= c.length; else this.c-- } this.b.set(a, b); this.c++; return this }; n.get = function (a, b) { L(this); a = M(this, a); if (this.p(a)) { var c = this.b.get(a); return s(c) ? c[0] : c } else return b };
n.toString = function () { if (this.k) return this.k; if (!this.b) return ""; for (var a = [], b = 0, c = this.b.A(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { var e = c[d], g = ka(e); e = this.b.get(e); if (s(e)) for (var h = 0; h < e.length; h++) { b > 0 && a.push("&"); a.push(g); e[h] !== "" && a.push("=", ka(e[h])); b++ } else { b > 0 && a.push("&"); a.push(g); e !== "" && a.push("=", ka(e)); b++ } } return this.k = a.join("") }; function Rb(a) { delete a.Aa; delete a.k; a.Fa && delete a.Fa.f }
n.clone = function () { var a = new I; if (this.Aa) a.Aa = this.Aa; if (this.k) a.k = this.k; if (this.b) a.b = this.b.clone(); return a }; function M(a, b) { var c = String(b); if (a.g) c = c.toLowerCase(); return c } n.H = function (a) { if (a && !this.g) { L(this); Rb(this); Ab(this.b, function (b, c) { var d = c.toLowerCase(); if (c != d) { this.remove(c); this.add(d, b) } }, this) } this.g = a }; var Sb = /\s*;\s*/; function N(a, b, c, d, e) { if (/[;=]/.test(a)) throw Error('Invalid cookie name "' + a + '"'); if (/;/.test(b)) throw Error('Invalid cookie value "' + b + '"'); c !== undefined || (c = -1); document.cookie = a + "=" + b + (e ? ";domain=" + e : "") + (d ? ";path=" + d : "") + (c < 0 ? "" : c == 0 ? ";expires=" + (new Date(1970, 1, 1)).toUTCString() : ";expires=" + (new Date((new Date).getTime() + c * 1E3)).toUTCString()) }
function O(a, b) { for (var c = a + "=", d = String(document.cookie).split(Sb), e = 0, g; g = d[e]; e++)if (g.indexOf(c) == 0) return g.substr(c.length); return b }; function P() { } P.prototype.La = false; P.prototype.X = function () { if (!this.La) { this.La = true; this.v() } }; P.prototype.v = function () { }; var Tb; function Q(a, b) { this.type = a; this.currentTarget = this.target = b } x(Q, P); Q.prototype.v = function () { delete this.type; delete this.target; delete this.currentTarget }; Q.prototype.Ba = false; Q.prototype.gb = true; function R(a, b) { a && this.init(a, b) } x(R, Q); n = R.prototype; n.target = null; n.relatedTarget = null; n.offsetX = 0; n.offsetY = 0; n.clientX = 0; n.clientY = 0; n.screenX = 0; n.screenY = 0; n.button = 0; n.keyCode = 0; n.charCode = 0; n.ctrlKey = false; n.altKey = false; n.shiftKey = false; n.metaKey = false; n.fb = false; n.Ma = null;
n.init = function (a, b) {
var c = this.type = a.type; this.target = a.target || a.srcElement; this.currentTarget = b; var d = a.relatedTarget; if (d) { if (Qa) try { d = d.nodeName && d } catch (e) { d = null } } else if (c == "mouseover") d = a.fromElement; else if (c == "mouseout") d = a.toElement; this.relatedTarget = d; this.offsetX = a.offsetX !== undefined ? a.offsetX : a.layerX; this.offsetY = a.offsetY !== undefined ? a.offsetY : a.layerY; this.clientX = a.clientX !== undefined ? a.clientX : a.pageX; this.clientY = a.clientY !== undefined ? a.clientY : a.pageY; this.screenX = a.screenX ||
0; this.screenY = a.screenY || 0; this.button = a.button; this.keyCode = a.keyCode || 0; this.charCode = a.charCode || (c == "keypress" ? a.keyCode : 0); this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey; this.altKey = a.altKey; this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey; this.metaKey = a.metaKey; this.fb = La ? a.metaKey : a.ctrlKey; this.Ma = a; delete this.gb; delete this.Ba
}; D && (ab["8"] || (ab["8"] = ra(Wa, "8") >= 0)); R.prototype.v = function () { R.Ta.v.call(this); this.relatedTarget = this.currentTarget = this.target = this.Ma = null }; function Ub() { } var Vb = 0; n = Ub.prototype; n.key = 0; n.F = false; n.Ga = false; n.init = function (a, b, c, d, e, g) { if (ba(a)) this.Na = true; else if (a && a.handleEvent && ba(a.handleEvent)) this.Na = false; else throw Error("Invalid listener argument"); this.ma = a; this.proxy = b; this.src = c; this.type = d; this.capture = !!e; this.handler = g; this.Ga = false; this.key = ++Vb; this.F = false }; n.handleEvent = function (a) { if (this.Na) return this.ma.call(this.handler || this.src, a); return this.ma.handleEvent.call(this.ma, a) }; function S(a, b) { this.Oa = b; this.q = []; if (a > this.Oa) throw Error("[goog.structs.SimplePool] Initial cannot be greater than max"); for (var c = 0; c < a; c++)this.q.push(this.j ? this.j() : {}) } x(S, P); S.prototype.j = null; S.prototype.Ka = null; function T(a) { if (a.q.length) return a.q.pop(); return a.j ? a.j() : {} } function U(a, b) { a.q.length < a.Oa ? a.q.push(b) : Wb(a, b) } function Wb(a, b) { if (a.Ka) a.Ka(b); else if (ba(b.X)) b.X(); else for (var c in b) delete b[c] }
S.prototype.v = function () { S.Ta.v.call(this); for (var a = this.q; a.length;)Wb(this, a.pop()); delete this.q }; var Xb; var Yb = (Xb = "ScriptEngine" in o && o.ScriptEngine() == "JScript") ? o.ScriptEngineMajorVersion() + "." + o.ScriptEngineMinorVersion() + "." + o.ScriptEngineBuildVersion() : "0"; var Zb, $b, ac, bc, cc, dc, ec, fc, gc, hc, ic;
(function () {
function a() { return { c: 0, D: 0 } } function b() { return [] } function c() { function l(u) { return h.call(l.src, l.key, u) } return l } function d() { return new Ub } function e() { return new R } var g = Xb && !(ra(Yb, "5.7") >= 0), h; dc = function (l) { h = l }; if (g) {
Zb = function () { return T(i) }; $b = function (l) { U(i, l) }; ac = function () { return T(k) }; bc = function (l) { U(k, l) }; cc = function () { return T(j) }; ec = function () { U(j, c()) }; fc = function () { return T(y) }; gc = function (l) { U(y, l) }; hc = function () { return T(m) }; ic = function (l) { U(m, l) }; var i = new S(0,
600); i.j = a; var k = new S(0, 600); k.j = b; var j = new S(0, 600); j.j = c; var y = new S(0, 600); y.j = d; var m = new S(0, 600); m.j = e
} else { Zb = a; $b = r; ac = b; bc = r; cc = c; ec = r; fc = d; gc = r; hc = e; ic = r }
})(); var V = {}, W = {}, X = {}, jc = {};
function kc(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (b) if (s(b)) { for (var g = 0; g < b.length; g++)kc(a, b[g], c, d, e); return null } else {
d = !!d; var h = W; b in h || (h[b] = Zb()); h = h[b]; if (!(d in h)) { h[d] = Zb(); h.c++ } h = h[d]; var i = da(a), k; h.D++; if (h[i]) { k = h[i]; for (g = 0; g < k.length; g++) { h = k[g]; if (h.ma == c && h.handler == e) { if (h.F) break; return k[g].key } } } else { k = h[i] = ac(); h.c++ } g = cc(); g.src = a; h = fc(); h.init(c, g, a, b, d, e); c = h.key; g.key = c; k.push(h); V[c] = h; X[i] || (X[i] = ac()); X[i].push(h); if (a.addEventListener) { if (a == o || !a.Xa) a.addEventListener(b, g, d) } else a.attachEvent(lc(b),
g); return c
} else throw Error("Invalid event type");
} function mc(a, b, c, d) { if (!d.oa) if (d.Pa) { for (var e = 0, g = 0; e < d.length; e++)if (d[e].F) { var h = d[e].proxy; h.src = null; ec(h); gc(d[e]) } else { if (e != g) d[g] = d[e]; g++ } d.length = g; d.Pa = false; if (g == 0) { bc(d); delete W[a][b][c]; W[a][b].c--; if (W[a][b].c == 0) { $b(W[a][b]); delete W[a][b]; W[a].c-- } if (W[a].c == 0) { $b(W[a]); delete W[a] } } } } function lc(a) { if (a in jc) return jc[a]; return jc[a] = "on" + a }
function nc(a, b, c, d, e) { var g = 1; b = da(b); if (a[b]) { a.D--; a = a[b]; if (a.oa) a.oa++; else a.oa = 1; try { for (var h = a.length, i = 0; i < h; i++) { var k = a[i]; if (k && !k.F) g &= oc(k, e) !== false } } finally { a.oa--; mc(c, d, b, a) } } return Boolean(g) }
function oc(a, b) { var c = a.handleEvent(b); if (a.Ga) { var d = a.key; if (V[d]) { var e = V[d]; if (!e.F) { var g = e.src, h = e.type, i = e.proxy, k = e.capture; if (g.removeEventListener) { if (g == o || !g.Xa) g.removeEventListener(h, i, k) } else g.detachEvent && g.detachEvent(lc(h), i); g = da(g); i = W[h][k][g]; if (X[g]) { var j = X[g], y = xa(j, e); if (y >= 0) { va(j || v(j)); wa(j.length); A.splice.call(j, y, 1) } j.length == 0 && delete X[g] } e.F = true; i.Pa = true; mc(h, k, g, i); delete V[d] } } } return c }
dc(function (a, b) {
if (!V[a]) return true; var c = V[a], d = c.type, e = W; if (!(d in e)) return true; e = e[d]; var g, h; if (Tb === undefined) Tb = D && !o.addEventListener; if (Tb) {
var i; if (!(i = b)) a: { i = "window.event".split("."); for (var k = o; g = i.shift();)if (k[g]) k = k[g]; else { i = null; break a } i = k } g = i; i = true in e; k = false in e; if (i) { if (g.keyCode < 0 || g.returnValue != undefined) return true; a: { var j = false; if (g.keyCode == 0) try { g.keyCode = -1; break a } catch (y) { j = true } if (j || g.returnValue == undefined) g.returnValue = true } } j = hc(); j.init(g, this); g = true;
try { if (i) { for (var m = ac(), l = j.currentTarget; l; l = l.parentNode)m.push(l); h = e[true]; h.D = h.c; for (var u = m.length - 1; !j.Ba && u >= 0 && h.D; u--) { j.currentTarget = m[u]; g &= nc(h, m[u], d, true, j) } if (k) { h = e[false]; h.D = h.c; for (u = 0; !j.Ba && u < m.length && h.D; u++) { j.currentTarget = m[u]; g &= nc(h, m[u], d, false, j) } } } else g = oc(c, j) } finally { if (m) { m.length = 0; bc(m) } j.X(); ic(j) } return g
} d = new R(b, this); try { g = oc(c, d) } finally { d.X() } return g
}); function pc(a, b, c) { if (typeof a == "number") { this.a = new Date(a, b || 0, c || 1); qc(this, c || 1) } else if (ca(a)) { this.a = new Date(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()); qc(this, a.getDate()) } else { this.a = new Date; this.a.setHours(0); this.a.setMinutes(0); this.a.setSeconds(0); this.a.setMilliseconds(0) } } n = pc.prototype; n.Y = 0; n.ea = 3; n.clone = function () { var a = new pc(this.a); a.Y = this.Y; a.ea = this.ea; return a }; n.getFullYear = function () { return this.a.getFullYear() }; n.getYear = function () { return this.getFullYear() };
n.getMonth = function () { return this.a.getMonth() }; n.getDate = function () { return this.a.getDate() }; n.getTime = function () { return this.a.getTime() }; n.getUTCHours = function () { return this.a.getUTCHours() }; n.getTimezoneOffset = function () { return this.a.getTimezoneOffset() }; function rc(a) { a = a.getTimezoneOffset(); if (a == 0) a = "Z"; else { var b = Math.abs(a) / 60, c = Math.floor(b); b = (b - c) * 60; a = (a > 0 ? "-" : "+") + z(c, 2) + ":" + z(b, 2) } return a } n.set = function (a) { this.a = new Date(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()) }; n.setFullYear = function (a) { this.a.setFullYear(a) };
n.setMonth = function (a) { this.a.setMonth(a) }; n.setDate = function (a) { this.a.setDate(a) };
n.add = function (a) {
if (a.rb || a.eb) { var b = this.getMonth() + a.eb + a.rb * 12, c = this.getYear() + Math.floor(b / 12); b %= 12; if (b < 0) b += 12; var d; a: { switch (b) { case 1: d = c % 4 == 0 && (c % 100 != 0 || c % 400 == 0) ? 29 : 28; break a; case 5: case 8: case 10: case 3: d = 30; break a }d = 31 } d = Math.min(d, this.getDate()); this.setDate(1); this.setFullYear(c); this.setMonth(b); this.setDate(d) } if (a.Ya) {
a = new Date((new Date(this.getYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 12)).getTime() + a.Ya * 864E5); this.setDate(1); this.setFullYear(a.getFullYear()); this.setMonth(a.getMonth());
this.setDate(a.getDate()); qc(this, a.getDate())
}; n.qa = function (a, b) { return [this.getFullYear(), z(this.getMonth() + 1, 2), z(this.getDate(), 2)].join(a ? "-" : "") + (b ? rc(this) : "") }; n.toString = function () { return this.qa() }; function qc(a, b) { if (a.getDate() != b) { var c = a.getDate() < b ? 1 : -1; a.a.setUTCHours(a.a.getUTCHours() + c) } } n.valueOf = function () { return this.a.valueOf() }; function Y(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) { this.a = typeof a == "number" ? new Date(a, b || 0, c || 1, d || 0, e || 0, g || 0, h || 0) : new Date(a ? a.getTime() : fa()) } x(Y, pc); n = Y.prototype;
n.getHours = function () { return this.a.getHours() }; n.getMinutes = function () { return this.a.getMinutes() }; n.getSeconds = function () { return this.a.getSeconds() }; n.getUTCHours = function () { return this.a.getUTCHours() }; n.setHours = function (a) { this.a.setHours(a) }; n.setMinutes = function (a) { this.a.setMinutes(a) }; n.setSeconds = function (a) { this.a.setSeconds(a) }; n.setMilliseconds = function (a) { this.a.setMilliseconds(a) }; n.setUTCHours = function (a) { this.a.setUTCHours(a) };
n.add = function (a) { pc.prototype.add.call(this, a); a.$a && this.setHours(this.a.getHours() + a.$a); a.db && this.setMinutes(this.a.getMinutes() + a.db); a.hb && this.setSeconds(this.a.getSeconds() + a.hb) }; n.qa = function (a, b) { var c = pc.prototype.qa.call(this, a); if (a) return c + " " + z(this.getHours(), 2) + ":" + z(this.getMinutes(), 2) + ":" + z(this.getSeconds(), 2) + (b ? rc(this) : ""); return c + "T" + z(this.getHours(), 2) + z(this.getMinutes(), 2) + z(this.getSeconds(), 2) + (b ? rc(this) : "") }; n.toString = function () { return this.qa() };
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b += "&dt=" + a; b += "&pvon=" + O("cuvon", ""); N("cuvon", a, 1800, escape("/"), this.i); a = b; b = this.n; var c = db("script"); c.src = a; c.type = "text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c); N("cusid", b, 1800, escape("/"), this.i)
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""); N("cuvon", c, 1800, escape("/"), this.i); var e = db("img"); e.id = "clickdimensionsTi" + c; e.src = d.replace("tsr.js", "ti.gif"); document.body.appendChild(e)
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var e, k = this;
function xc(a) {
var b = typeof a; if (b == "object") if (a) { if (a instanceof Array || !(a instanceof Object) && Object.prototype.toString.call(a) == "[object Array]" || typeof a.length == "number" && typeof a.splice != "undefined" && typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable != "undefined" && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) return "array"; if (!(a instanceof Object) && (Object.prototype.toString.call(a) == "[object Function]" || typeof a.call != "undefined" && typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable != "undefined" && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call"))) return "function" } else return "null"; else if (b ==
"function" && typeof a.call == "undefined") return "object"; return b
} function l(a) { return xc(a) == "array" } function yc(a) { var b = xc(a); return b == "array" || b == "object" && typeof a.length == "number" } function m(a) { return typeof a == "string" } Math.floor(Math.random() * 2147483648).toString(36); function zc(a, b) { function c() { } c.prototype = b.prototype; a.Wb = b.prototype; a.prototype = new c }; function Ac(a) { this.stack = Error().stack || ""; if (a) this.message = String(a) } zc(Ac, Error); function Bc(a) { for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) { var c = String(arguments[b]).replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"); a = a.replace(/\%s/, c) } return a } var Cc = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.!~*'()]*$/; function Dc(a) { a = String(a); if (!Cc.test(a)) return encodeURIComponent(a); return a } function Ec(a, b, c) { a = c !== undefined ? a.toFixed(c) : String(a); c = a.indexOf("."); if (c == -1) c = a.length; return Array(Math.max(0, b - c) + 1).join("0") + a }; function Fc(a, b) { b.unshift(a); Ac.call(this, Bc.apply(null, b)); b.shift(); this.Vb = a } zc(Fc, Ac); function Gc(a, b, c, d) { var g = "Assertion failed"; if (c) { g += ": " + c; var h = d } else if (a) { g += ": " + a; h = b } throw new Fc("" + g, h || []); } function Hc(a, b) { !a && Gc("", null, b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)) } function Ic(a, b) { typeof a != "number" && Gc("Expected number but got %s.", [a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); return a }; var Jc = Array.prototype, Kc = Jc.forEach ? function (a, b, c) { Hc(a || m(a)); Ic(a.length); Jc.forEach.call(a, b, c) } : function (a, b, c) { for (var d = a.length, g = m(a) ? a.split("") : a, h = 0; h < d; h++)h in g && b.call(c, g[h], h, a) }; function Lc(a) { for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) { var c = arguments[b], d; if (l(c) || (d = yc(c)) && c.hasOwnProperty("callee")) a.push.apply(a, c); else if (d) for (var g = a.length, h = c.length, i = 0; i < h; i++)a[g + i] = c[i]; else a.push(c) } }; function Mc(a) { var b = [], c = 0; for (var d in a) b[c++] = a[d]; return b } function Nc(a) { var b = [], c = 0; for (var d in a) b[c++] = d; return b }; function Oc(a) { if (typeof a.Eb == "function") return a.Eb(); if (m(a)) return a.split(""); if (yc(a)) { for (var b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++)b.push(a[d]); return b } return Mc(a) } function Pc(a, b, c) { if (typeof a.forEach == "function") a.forEach(b, c); else if (yc(a) || m(a)) Kc(a, b, c); else { var d; if (typeof a.Fb == "function") d = a.Fb(); else if (typeof a.Eb != "function") if (yc(a) || m(a)) { d = []; for (var g = a.length, h = 0; h < g; h++)d.push(h); d = d } else d = Nc(a); else d = void 0; g = Oc(a); h = g.length; for (var i = 0; i < h; i++)b.call(c, g[i], d && d[i], a) } }; function Qc(a) { this.Bb = {}; this.vb = []; var b = arguments.length; if (b > 1) { if (b % 2) throw Error("Uneven number of arguments"); for (var c = 0; c < b; c += 2)this.set(arguments[c], arguments[c + 1]) } else if (a) { if (a instanceof Qc) { b = a.Fb(); c = a.Eb() } else { b = Nc(a); c = Mc(a) } for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++)this.set(b[d], c[d]) } } e = Qc.prototype; e.wb = 0; e.Qb = 0; e.Eb = function () { Rc(this); for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.vb.length; b++)a.push(this.Bb[this.vb[b]]); return a }; e.Fb = function () { Rc(this); return this.vb.concat() };
e.Db = function (a) { return Sc(this.Bb, a) }; e.remove = function (a) { if (Sc(this.Bb, a)) { delete this.Bb[a]; this.wb--; this.Qb++; this.vb.length > 2 * this.wb && Rc(this); return true } return false }; function Rc(a) { if (a.wb != a.vb.length) { for (var b = 0, c = 0; b < a.vb.length;) { var d = a.vb[b]; if (Sc(a.Bb, d)) a.vb[c++] = d; b++ } a.vb.length = c } if (a.wb != a.vb.length) { var g = {}; for (c = b = 0; b < a.vb.length;) { d = a.vb[b]; if (!Sc(g, d)) { a.vb[c++] = d; g[d] = 1 } b++ } a.vb.length = c } } e.get = function (a, b) { if (Sc(this.Bb, a)) return this.Bb[a]; return b };
e.set = function (a, b) { if (!Sc(this.Bb, a)) { this.wb++; this.vb.push(a); this.Qb++ } this.Bb[a] = b }; e.clone = function () { return new Qc(this) }; function Sc(a, b) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b) }; var Tc = RegExp("^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?://(?:([^/?#]*)@)?([\\w\\d\\-\\u0100-\\uffff.%]*)(?::([0-9]+))?)?([^?#]+)?(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$"); function Uc(a, b) { var c; if (a instanceof Uc) { this.Hb(b == null ? a.yb : b); Vc(this, a.Cb); Wc(this, a.Lb); Xc(this, a.Ib); Yc(this, a.Gb); Zc(this, a.Kb); ad(this, a.zb.clone()); bd(this, a.Jb) } else if (a && (c = String(a).match(Tc))) { this.Hb(!!b); Vc(this, c[1] || "", true); Wc(this, c[2] || "", true); Xc(this, c[3] || "", true); Yc(this, c[4]); Zc(this, c[5] || "", true); ad(this, c[6] || "", true); bd(this, c[7] || "", true) } else { this.Hb(!!b); this.zb = new cd(null, this, this.yb) } } e = Uc.prototype; e.Cb = ""; e.Lb = ""; e.Ib = ""; e.Gb = null; e.Kb = ""; e.Jb = ""; e.Sb = false;
e.yb = false; e.toString = function () { if (this.xb) return this.xb; var a = []; this.Cb && a.push(dd(this.Cb, ed), ":"); if (this.Ib) { a.push("//"); this.Lb && a.push(dd(this.Lb, ed), "@"); var b; b = this.Ib; b = m(b) ? encodeURIComponent(b) : null; a.push(b); this.Gb != null && a.push(":", String(this.Gb)) } this.Kb && a.push(dd(this.Kb, fd)); (b = String(this.zb)) && a.push("?", b); this.Jb && a.push("#", dd(this.Jb, hd)); return this.xb = a.join("") };
e.clone = function () { var a = this.Cb, b = this.Lb, c = this.Ib, d = this.Gb, g = this.Kb, h = this.zb.clone(), i = this.Jb, j = new Uc(null, this.yb); a && Vc(j, a); b && Wc(j, b); c && Xc(j, c); d && Yc(j, d); g && Zc(j, g); h && ad(j, h); i && bd(j, i); return j }; function Vc(a, b, c) { id(a); delete a.xb; a.Cb = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; if (a.Cb) a.Cb = a.Cb.replace(/:$/, ""); return a } function Wc(a, b, c) { id(a); delete a.xb; a.Lb = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; return a } function Xc(a, b, c) { id(a); delete a.xb; a.Ib = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; return a }
function Yc(a, b) { id(a); delete a.xb; if (b) { b = Number(b); if (isNaN(b) || b < 0) throw Error("Bad port number " + b); a.Gb = b } else a.Gb = null; return a } function Zc(a, b, c) { id(a); delete a.xb; a.Kb = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; return a } function ad(a, b, c) { id(a); delete a.xb; if (b instanceof cd) { a.zb = b; a.zb.Nb = a; a.zb.Hb(a.yb) } else { c || (b = dd(b, jd)); a.zb = new cd(b, a, a.yb) } return a } function kd(a, b) { return a.zb.get(b) } function bd(a, b, c) { id(a); delete a.xb; a.Jb = c ? b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "" : b; return a }
function id(a) { if (a.Sb) throw Error("Tried to modify a read-only Uri"); } e.Hb = function (a) { this.yb = a; this.zb && this.zb.Hb(a) }; var ld = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.!~*'():\/;?]*$/; function dd(a, b) { var c = null; if (m(a)) { c = a; ld.test(c) || (c = encodeURI(a)); if (c.search(b) >= 0) c = c.replace(b, md) } return c } function md(a) { a = a.charCodeAt(0); return "%" + (a >> 4 & 15).toString(16) + (a & 15).toString(16) } var ed = /[#\/\?@]/g, fd = /[\#\?]/g, jd = /[\#\?@]/g, hd = /#/g; function cd(a, b, c) { this.Ab = a || null; this.Nb = b || null; this.yb = !!c }
function u(a) { if (!a.tb) { a.tb = new Qc; if (a.Ab) for (var b = a.Ab.split("&"), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var d = b[c].indexOf("="), g = null, h = null; if (d >= 0) { g = b[c].substring(0, d); h = b[c].substring(d + 1) } else g = b[c]; g = decodeURIComponent(g.replace(/\+/g, " ")); g = nd(a, g); a.add(g, h ? decodeURIComponent(h.replace(/\+/g, " ")) : "") } } } e = cd.prototype; e.tb = null; e.wb = null; e.add = function (a, b) { u(this); od(this); a = nd(this, a); if (this.Db(a)) { var c = this.tb.get(a); l(c) ? c.push(b) : this.tb.set(a, [c, b]) } else this.tb.set(a, b); this.wb++; return this };
e.remove = function (a) { u(this); a = nd(this, a); if (this.tb.Db(a)) { od(this); var b = this.tb.get(a); if (l(b)) this.wb -= b.length; else this.wb--; return this.tb.remove(a) } return false }; e.Db = function (a) { u(this); a = nd(this, a); return this.tb.Db(a) }; e.Fb = function () { u(this); for (var a = this.tb.Eb(), b = this.tb.Fb(), c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { var g = a[d]; if (l(g)) for (var h = 0; h < g.length; h++)c.push(b[d]); else c.push(b[d]) } return c };
e.Eb = function (a) { u(this); if (a) { a = nd(this, a); if (this.Db(a)) { var b = this.tb.get(a); if (l(b)) return b; else { a = []; a.push(b) } } else a = [] } else { b = this.tb.Eb(); a = []; for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var d = b[c]; l(d) ? Lc(a, d) : a.push(d) } } return a }; e.set = function (a, b) { u(this); od(this); a = nd(this, a); if (this.Db(a)) { var c = this.tb.get(a); if (l(c)) this.wb -= c.length; else this.wb-- } this.tb.set(a, b); this.wb++; return this }; e.get = function (a, b) { u(this); a = nd(this, a); if (this.Db(a)) { var c = this.tb.get(a); return l(c) ? c[0] : c } else return b };
e.toString = function () { if (this.Ab) return this.Ab; if (!this.tb) return ""; for (var a = [], b = 0, c = this.tb.Fb(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { var g = c[d], h = Dc(g); g = this.tb.get(g); if (l(g)) for (var i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { b > 0 && a.push("&"); a.push(h); g[i] !== "" && a.push("=", Dc(g[i])); b++ } else { b > 0 && a.push("&"); a.push(h); g !== "" && a.push("=", Dc(g)); b++ } } return this.Ab = a.join("") }; function od(a) { delete a.Mb; delete a.Ab; a.Nb && delete a.Nb.xb }
e.clone = function () { var a = new cd; if (this.Mb) a.Mb = this.Mb; if (this.Ab) a.Ab = this.Ab; if (this.tb) a.tb = this.tb.clone(); return a }; function nd(a, b) { var c = String(b); if (a.yb) c = c.toLowerCase(); return c } e.Hb = function (a) { if (a && !this.yb) { u(this); od(this); Pc(this.tb, function (b, c) { var d = c.toLowerCase(); if (c != d) { this.remove(c); this.add(d, b) } }, this) } this.yb = a }; var pd, qd, rd, sd; function td() { return k.navigator ? k.navigator.userAgent : null } sd = rd = qd = pd = false; var ud; if (ud = td()) { var vd = k.navigator; pd = ud.indexOf("Opera") == 0; qd = !pd && ud.indexOf("MSIE") != -1; rd = !pd && ud.indexOf("WebKit") != -1; sd = !pd && !rd && vd.product == "Gecko" } var wd = qd, xd = sd, yd = rd, zd = "", Ad;
if (pd && k.opera) { var Bd = k.opera.version; zd = typeof Bd == "function" ? Bd() : Bd } else { if (xd) Ad = /rv\:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/; else if (wd) Ad = /MSIE\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/; else if (yd) Ad = /WebKit\/(\S+)/; if (Ad) { var Cd = Ad.exec(td()); zd = Cd ? Cd[1] : "" } }; var Dd = null, Ed = null, Fd = null, Gd = null; function Hd(a, b, c) { if (typeof a == "number") { this.ub = new Date(a, b || 0, c || 1); Id(this, c || 1) } else { b = xc(a); if (b == "object" || b == "array" || b == "function") { this.ub = new Date(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()); Id(this, a.getDate()) } else { this.ub = new Date; this.ub.setHours(0); this.ub.setMinutes(0); this.ub.setSeconds(0); this.ub.setMilliseconds(0) } } } e = Hd.prototype; e.Ob = 0; e.Pb = 3; e.clone = function () { var a = new Hd(this.ub); a.Ob = this.Ob; a.Pb = this.Pb; return a }; e.getFullYear = function () { return this.ub.getFullYear() };
e.getYear = function () { return this.getFullYear() }; e.getMonth = function () { return this.ub.getMonth() }; e.getDate = function () { return this.ub.getDate() }; e.getTime = function () { return this.ub.getTime() }; e.getUTCHours = function () { return this.ub.getUTCHours() }; e.getTimezoneOffset = function () { return this.ub.getTimezoneOffset() }; e.set = function (a) { this.ub = new Date(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()) }; e.setFullYear = function (a) { this.ub.setFullYear(a) }; e.setMonth = function (a) { this.ub.setMonth(a) }; e.setDate = function (a) { this.ub.setDate(a) };
e.add = function (a) {
if (a.Ub || a.Tb) { var b = this.getMonth() + a.Tb + a.Ub * 12, c = this.getYear() + Math.floor(b / 12); b %= 12; if (b < 0) b += 12; var d; a: { switch (b) { case 1: d = c % 4 == 0 && (c % 100 != 0 || c % 400 == 0) ? 29 : 28; break a; case 5: case 8: case 10: case 3: d = 30; break a }d = 31 } d = Math.min(d, this.getDate()); this.setDate(1); this.setFullYear(c); this.setMonth(b); this.setDate(d) } if (a.Rb) {
b = new Date(this.getYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 12); a = new Date(b.getTime() + a.Rb * 864E5); this.setDate(1); this.setFullYear(a.getFullYear()); this.setMonth(a.getMonth());
this.setDate(a.getDate()); Id(this, a.getDate())
}; e.toString = function () { return [this.getFullYear(), Ec(this.getMonth() + 1, 2), Ec(this.getDate(), 2)].join("") + "" }; function Id(a, b) { if (a.getDate() != b) { var c = a.getDate() < b ? 1 : -1; a.ub.setUTCHours(a.ub.getUTCHours() + c) } } e.valueOf = function () { return this.ub.valueOf() }; function Jd() { b = kd(new Uc(window.location.href), "_cldunsub"); d = document.getElementsByName("cd_timezone"); g = document.getElementsByName("cd_cldunsub"); try { var Md = (new Hd).getTimezoneOffset() / 60; for (h = 0; h < d.length; h++)d[h].value = Md } catch (Nd) { } try { for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++)g[h].value = b } catch (Od) { } } var Kd = "clickdimensions.Forms".split("."), y = k; !(Kd[0] in y) && y.execScript && y.execScript("var " + Kd[0]); for (var Ld; Kd.length && (Ld = Kd.shift());)if (!Kd.length && Jd !== undefined) y[Ld] = Jd; else y = y[Ld] ? y[Ld] : y[Ld] = {};
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